Would a specially modified version of Black Chapel be up for a Halloween special? The map is a perfect representation of a Chapel, perfect for a...
I'll vouch for there not being enough minigame reviewers since my maps waiting for one :P Well to be honest, I've never really gone into reviewing...
You should set up a social group for review hub and let people place reviews they've done on there, then rank according to that. I'm afraid that I...
So assuming that Reviewhub is completely disfunctional, what's the alternative for getting maps reviewed? Cheers for replying, T.G.
Hey insane, do you happen to know if reviewhub is still running, since theta's last post was june :\ T.G.
Hey Mick, just wondering; is Reviewhub actually functional, because the last comment made by theta was in june. T.G.
Possible improvements: cut out banshee and replace it with wraiths for artillery. Then, to make it appear that the wraith bullets arent blue,...
Looks a superb set of maps, but just as a warning, I know a games tester within Bungie and they do not place maps which promote other games onto...
At first glance, I thought this could potentially be another cheap spinoff my map, Dodgeball (I've been copied before) after a closer look I was...
Sure mate, will do; just let me know what you think of the map and tell all your mates about it when you get it and I'll gladly forward it to you....
Haven't really seen anything like this before out there; so with regards to the other comments congratulations for making a unique concept. A...
Answer to question about killball/teleport This should explain your answer: [IMG] Weapon dispenser mechanism Dispensing weapons; the plasma...
"Cowards are the ones who almost always win." Silent oo Death If anything its the opposite: if players hide in corners of the map, either the...
Do you know what would be amazing; if bungie allowed you to place firefight AI spawns on forged maps; that would change everything (e.g. Real...
Dodgeball: Ballistic Battleground Dodgeball: Ballistic Battleground is a fast paced arcade style ball dodge game. This involves going up...
Very impressive map, what would be a bit more relevant conclusion to the map would to be make it oddball, so that you reach a skull at the end of...
Hey Vorpal, what did you think of the Virus Strain 57 maps?
Hey Shanon, what did you think to Dodgeball? With regards to the feedback, where are you going to post the feedback? Cheers, T.G.
Very smooth gameplay with a great buildup to the first battle: when the players clashed for the first time in the centre was very enjoyable. With...