Blatant advertisement is generally frowned upon here. Also, if I'm remembering properly, it's not the first time you were toldthat.
Provided the map you are making is relatively small and staying away from the OLN, it would make for an interesting "room" concept. Can you drive...
Thanks guys! Looking forward to becoming a bigger part of the community than I used to be. :D
I would probably use a cube hill ratherthan a cylinder, but that's just personal preference. With the expanded hill space, ithink this could have...
Let me point out a major flaw in the "using crates as the conveyor" method that I don't think anyone has brought up yet--no matter what you do to...
The difference being isthat consoles are the same across the board, so devs know what they have to work with. PC's can be high-end drool-inducers...
Not to mention the fact that this would be ridiculously hard to actually implement into a functional map.
Thanks, Angel! I'm doing some matchmaking right now, but give it a bit and I'll be ready for some playtesting, provided we can get 4+ people in on it.
My first thought is, you've only got 8 man cannons to use.
Alright, now that I'm back online and rarin' to go, I'm gonna work on the Invasion gametype for this. Playtesting of the other types is still...
I look forward to it!
Something that needs to be worked on as a community is taking criticism in general. Many of us have been at it long enough to recognize our own...
Yup. I started Vadmont's Ossuary as a reimagining of Helm's Deep, but it got awayfrom me pretty quickly. Still probably going to change the name...
I would advise an option similar to megapwn's up there, but I would also advise a third option, one that shouldn't bankrupt you. I would say,...
While the bridge appears to be quite the well thought-out central structure, I would recommend adding at least one other route across the canyon...
Glad to see you got it working, and apologies for my answer being a bit off. The delete all of these option is indeed the last resort, but it's...
As I sit and try and come up with some manner or combination of doors, teleporters, killzones, respawns, or something of the like... I honestly...
If you spawn another object of the same type set the settings to Place at Start: False and Spawn Time: Never, and then without leaving the match...
Well, I know that you can adjust the effective area of certain objects (I remember being able to do it with weapons and stuff, I don't remember...
Looks good, I'll give it a look-see when I get my Xbox back tomorrow. I really like how some of the stuff I thought were merely for aesthetic...