Go ahead and try to "make me look stupid," you moron. You're the one who won't shut up about this, when in the big scheme of things, it's really...
Necro'ing a thread, for a simple map advertisement? Ballsy. Anyways, by now, everyone should know that they are category limits, not...
Personally, I'm setting this to the side for now, as I've broken ground on a completely different map, which I'll also be submitting to the...
B3NW, go ahead and report me. I could do the exact same to you for things you've said, but my maturity level is slightly above a pissed-off...
My god. There's no arguing with your stupid ass. I'm no lawyer myself, but unlike some imbecile like you, I recognize that sometimes, too much...
A huge THANK YOU to those of you outisde the US who are responding to the exclusion in a dignified way. An even bigger thank youtothose still...
You don't think the fact that there are actually people outside the U.S. came up in their planning for the contest? If they didn't do it, there...
Dear God, people, get the hell over yourselves. It's a freaking competition. If you don't like the rules, then quit bitching and find something...
I suppose I'd be takingyour question rather literally, but if you just want it lit up, would an actual light not suffice? Because if you want it...
That would help us out. And whatever helps us, helps you.
Apparently not. Bumping your post isn't a very effective advertisement tool on Forge Hub (or, really, any decent online community), so there's...
Sounds sick, Ursus. I myself have been going back and forth over the final wave of my version. I can't decide if I want a power core theft, or if...
BUT NOT MAH IDEAZ. Kidding. But seriously. Seriously kidding. But not. Seriously. Wait, what? Aaaanyway... I've been tinkering around in...
I'm planning on mine being rather intricate, bu I didn't get any work done tonight. Requiem wasn't online, so we didn't get the main complex...
As for my version, I'll most likely be giving the elites something to do as opposed to just waiting. They'll probably sit for thirty seconds or...
That's what I was thinking. :P Anyway, me and another guy were discussing building a central invasion complex hanging inside the cove near...
Me and Jupiter are definitely on the same page. Provided that the prisoners canhave an effect on the overall gameplay, there certainly would be no...
I'm with Ursus, inasmuch as I think that giving the prisoners an objective or to could bring the gameplay back for the Elites. It's not like it...
I played a round on this with a Stockpile gametype the other day--looks fantastic, played even better. I'd have to get some more playtime on the...
Nice find, looks pretty slick. All told, it looks like a relatively cheap door too, budget-wise. Although the fusion coil and man-cannon may prove...