Looks interesting, I like how it's come along since we popped in during the build. I'm up for playtesting, when I can find time in between my map...
Heh well I figured lol. How many maps are involved in this No Hope deal? I never saw the Halo 3 versions.
I'd love to see the full map, I'm assuming you'll post more detailed screens when you release it?
I totally said "Death Star" when I saw his new rooms, too. Literally the first thig that came to mind. Anyway, I'm also interested in seeing...
Just a-poppin' my head in here to exclaim the brilliant design of the progress the map has made. After playtesting some the other night and...
Thanks lol. Can't let those new members get uppity, it'll upset the system! XD
A little too much, it could be argued. It sure beats doing any of my classwork, which is kind of a problem lol
Grav lifts and man cannons most certainly affect framerate issues, but in an interesting way. A friend of mine was building his map, and he had...
Lookin shnazzy. I never played Halo before Halo 3 (the Forge is what sold me on the series, amusingly enough), but this map looks really nice. I'm...
From what I can tell based off of the little images, it looks as if the map is really open in a number of areas. Is that simply the product of...
Of course. I'm sure there's a thread on how exactly to post your screens somewhere, but I couldn't find one during a quick run-through. The steps...
No, I'm trying to help you out. Take your screenshots of your Helm's Deep remake, post them in a thread entitled "Map Preview: whatever", and get...
Again--not going to bother looking up a map because the maker simply says it's good. I could care less if you put it in a video or actually put up...
Quite a claim to make, considering the fact that there have already been dozens of remakes and reinventions of Helm's Deep, and some of them looks...
To my knowledge, the framerate lag is not directly based on the amount of budget you've used. I've created a map (Besieged, which I will update my...
I wasn't paying much attention when I clicked, and didn't notice this was your post at first, Requiem. When I read the bit about the upside down...
Lookin' pretty sick there, megapwn. I love the lava-look you've got on the volcano. If you can catch me on at the right time, count me in.
My thought on having loadouts/armor abilities indicating separate classes, as opposed to having them be ranks, is that each armor ability is...
Weapon placement may, but assuming one team decides to sit and camp the upstirs entrances, it could get annoying. I would recommend adding at...
Um, I've never played an RPG that didn't have some sort of class system involved, which was what I was attempting to offer you. I have no clue how...