Small sniper arena? that sounds unhealthy. and where are the screen shots to prove me wrong?
no, i built the ENTIRE thing from scratch... TWICE. Reflex is assymetrical, this is not. Reflex has a shorter tunnel that you can't go under. The...
like many have said, it is odd to find a track here.. which is why i'll pass..
oooohh... it looks so nice... I'll DL this one
This does look ALOT like default foundry. Which is a BAD THING! Advice: 1)find something ORIGINAL 2) Interlock 3)post more pictures to show...
I like the base but as someone already said, it is a little open.
Good interlocking, but it looks a litlle random to me.
you may not believe this... My gamer tag is the name of a demon who I met when i was on laughing gas. Talann Zar. Talann Zar did not like me at...
for those of you thinking it is too much like reflex, it is nothing like reflex. play it once and you will see that.
thanks, the tunnel was completely inspired by reflex.
Bullet station was made long before my earlier map posts, and has had alot of "fix-ups" on it. But finaly, it is ready. Bullet Station is a...
Now that ive finished yet another map, i need to think up a new one. Sadly, I take FOREVER to come up with new ideas. can anyone suggest what I...
not the best, or worst ive seen. Ill pass on the DL... for now. Just make your interlocking more percise. Percision CAN mean the difference...