do you remember Borat? thats me; I changed my username and GT
YES! That'd be nice, we miss you man :'(
ohaidere :D
idk man, $300 is alot of money, i dont know how you'r gonna rig that up, unless you do get accepted for an appraisal at some kind of job. because...
way to waste a username
Looks great for a first poster! you've gotten all of your photos up correctly, you have DL links, i think the only thing that could improove the...
BTW dylan(obibital) is working on posidome V2!! It's coming out incredible! and he finished hurricane town v5! I will be making video tours of...
i went in the mosh pit, now THAT was incredible! xD Slipknot ftw
wow, that sucks.. :(
so, hows it going on the epic adventure of getting a new 360?
in your sig, slipknot all hope is gone tour, i saw them live! they rocked it with coheed and cambria and trivium! xD -BTW I'm Borat, i just...
Why Would You Take Such A Picture Of Yourself..? lol :D [IMG]
Look Something! It's Obibital! LMAO! xD [IMG]
as we can all see the links are broken. i will fix this next time i'm online.
because my GT is my name :) sound it out
forge rubbin'!
Burnout Paradise Stunts (Really Funny!) ^Just Made That^
hey shitbag, lmao jk; whats crackin?
does you remembeh meh? (my old GT was borat..) ? xD lmao
lol sounds good :P