Eh, I would of put the use first. Eye of the beholder and whatnot. I've downloaded your map to see this in action, later today I'll check it...
Companian cube. It's a seperate title. I think it's fifty. I wish it would show the requirements when you got it. Would make recording this...
Yes it works. I've seen it. Only one object counts for position however. It only saves one object. Sorry to rain on anyones parade.
I have to slightly agree with Steve. But first, steve, did you read the top post? He wasn't going for clean structures, he was going for a rough...
I havn't done it yet, but my bro has. 34.5 seconds. M9 pistol. No joke.
I recently got the X31's. If you're some gnat that goes for prestigious quality, get the X41's. But overall, even going from surround sound...
I checked out the $60 pair, and decided I might get them for christmas. Would certainly proove useful, if they are as great as you claim.
Forgehub Account: Redearth Gamer Tag: Doctor G33K Role I am applying for: Tester Additional Comments: Since I am applying for tester, I can say my...
All that fits in budget? And object limits? Cool. I'm really looking forward towards it.
Question answered. :lock: Please? Also, a rename to noclip glitch or ghost merging would probably be in best interests as well.
As odd as it sounds, I kind of can control pain like that. Little pain, like papercuts. I say to myself, why does this hurt? I then explain to...
If you ever want someone for testing. Well. Yeah. I'm here. : ) Pics no filter please? With them it looks sick, but it's impossible to see...
Hey, I just thought of something guys. They said that the supply box has higher level killstreaks. Does that include the tactical nuke? It...
To post a map to simply upload it to your fileshare. If you want them on forgehub go to the respective tutorials on how to upload...
Hidding = Legitimate Strategy Plus if you face off HLG just know the tricks for the map. Not that difficult... Ehh, Hysteria.
Does anyone ever bother to read the message at the top? I NEED A NAME FOR IT!!! Thanks for the offer Zander. I used to use MMF too. If you could...