^^What's so bad about that? Forge hub has ALWAYS been able to scrounge up a massive amount awesomeness from the most difficult settings.
Yeah, I can see how someone would say that. It's half identical, half completely different, if that makes any sense. A little of the original...
I'm thinking of making two versions. The main one, where I customize the weapons MY way, and the special 34 version that has the original weapons...
YouTube - How to unlock your Nameplate/Visual Flair for Halo Reach Enjoy! I'm rockin' the Mark VI visual flair.
I'm probably going to figure out myself some of that stuff. After all, there are a LOT more territories in Halo: Reach than in Halo: CE.
I'll be interested in seeing how this turns out compared to my map when it comes out... P.M. me the map when you're done with it please.
Can't. It's, believe it or not, too tall to fit there. I'll probably use the floor of that Grifball arena. I've got a name and plan already....
I was just playing through Chiron TL-34 and I noticed that I missed a teleporter because of the terrible map. It will actually require 12...
...You know, I can actually see that happening.
I'm liking that idea. We could also resort to using that where the ladders go.
Teensy problem. We only have 8 mancannons of any type period.
We DO have enough grav lifts/mancannons to do it. Just something for readers to keep in mind.
Despite only having 12 teleporters in total to use... you can still get a RELATIVELY close to the original. Of course now, you're going to need...
I may or may not have seen footage of forge world objects. I may or may not be able to say that there are definitely 12 of each teleporter on...
Can I have a mod lock this? I'm not getting any answers really related to what I'm saying. I suppose it's something you just have to show first...
I'm looking for a better solution so people can choose where to go. Hence my original plan with the two towers.
I think that's even more complicated than my original plan.
I think that you might want a bit longer game to play though. If you do, check these numbers out. Broken into a graph with 50% chances of...
This is basic switch forging. Problem? The crate will eventually respawn. So will the mongoose I suppose, but it's way easier to move. And...