DO NOT INSULT MY COUSIN LIKE THAT! Bungie is good at making maps, but not good at forging them!
Anyone else hate douchebags whose sole purpose is to break maps/games to get an unfair advantage against others? Where have I heard that...
We gotta play 4-flag again.
I loved playing on this map, you've made some great changes since, fun 3v3 slayer today.
God that damn dino really pissed me off, he had a full advantage on us even though I am pretty sure he shouldve been dead twice by my hands. That...
Looks pretty intresting, would you mind posting a link so I can give it a dl and look at it more in-depth?
4-Flag was awesome, and I liked the changes you made, I was really suprised with the man-cannons and walkway up above, it gave the map a little...
Sorry I haven't been on in a few days, and hope to see the changes you've made since then(even if there are few and just miniscule). The only...
I think 2 banshees would be to many and overpower the spartans, and it would be nice to see some shots of the different tiers to see how they...
Looks nice, though if you were making a soccer stadium, maybe you should make the ball a soccer ball. :P Nice use of the spiral staircases by the...
ODST is pro, and this looks good. Since it's not completely....complete, I hope to see some more structures added in since it's a bit bland...
Orbital was a good map in my opinion, and your remake seems to be spot on. It will be very intresting to see and play since there are armor...
Diverge and Toadz in the Hole
What I always do is make a player invincible for 2-5 seconds(depending on the gametype and how often spawn killing happens) so spawn kills are...
I was only belittling his critisicm because the only thing that was Ducks and your "fault" was not putting armor lock on the map. He complains...
Obviously you're playing with noobs like yourself. He changed (nearly) everything people had an issue with. The only thing he didn't do was make a...
Since I joined forgehub because of PyschoDuck, I was under the same impressions as he was...he was led to believe(and me by extension) that FHF...
Y U run out of bandwidth? On a serious note, I hope to see the new and improved map soon, it looked good, and I never got to play on it at all!
Congrats Pyscho! Sorry I never commented before, becaus the map look great and it won FHF by, what Schnitzel said, a landslide!
Cargo Port by PsychoDuck I know you can make top 3 again with this!