Ritual Grounds [IMG] "all who walk the blessed path will find true salvation... even in death" ~Sanghelli Religious Proverb When the Covenant...
That looks awesome. My GT is Hue Cumberdale
go Pack Go?
I'd love to have ya. I'm thinking we'll test around 6 p.m. central time.
Alright folks, I think we are gonna playtest tomorrow. UPDATE. Made a v2 after brief testing, better weapon spawns, more ambiance. BEtter spawn...
You can DL the map to preview it with the gametype Gametype Map
Thank you for replying! I hope you are ready for trippy map
MAP NOW OUT, DOWNLOAD NOW Ritual Grounds. The premise here is that while the Covenant was landing on Halo, the Elites found a super important...
How does one do that? Sorry I am a noob.
How do you get ingots? I
The intricacies of the place-able lights, and whether forge filters stack? I'd like to do research into this. For instance, do Lights change in...
I really like this map, from looking at the pictures. It reminds me of the UT99 map Facing Worlds, but designed to play for Halo. Which I love,...
Ew, you went to Lolla? And you didn't catch the disease? I'm impressed! lol I saw Beach House at pitchfork, and left during Pavement because they...
Flying Lotus is awesome. I've really dug Hot Chip recently
So that means I can't get the Single Player one until all is well?
IS the website broken? I'm trying to get the free Single Player version