whoa ben, whats up? I see you are still making maps. I like this one tbh, because it has a feeling of the living dead maps , and i like those...
school is good tbh, not many gangsters who wana kill you for stepping on their shoe! And my retarded corky personality is already noticed LOL!
take note that this maps was made some time ago, but thx =)
Check out the update ! =)
OK look, download the game than come back to tell me what you think. Your an epic fail when you try to point out what you "think" well be a...
Don't worry bout him, he has been acting like a kid with the desirer for attention by trying to sound like he knows what he is talking about in...
1:30 at night is not allways a spelling night.
LOL, I did not realize that stuff was in the pic, ignore that ^^ But they are deleted in the final map.
Check out my new map, here on FH
New map :)
got a new map!
New map :) Click the map word btw.
New map!
New map ! check it out :)
Check out the map here on FH
I have a new map!
I have a new map
I have a new map :) click the map word ^^ ^
I have a new map :)
The weapons thats ppl would use most are on the map (Carbine, BR, magnums, smg's, ect..... But i can do this b/c the game type I use has lets the...