Very interesting concept. I had a thought on how the game is played, and it made me think that the humans were being chased up the rocky hill only...
and you made a good choice too do that for this map, how ever i enjoy alien tech on infection maps. but that is only because every infection map...
seems like more of a mini game than a casual hard core infection map :) But this is too cool in my opinion. One of those games where you can see...
well I'm taking consideration that you are a good enough forger too not worry about connecting the bases . tbh i think you should do what ever...
or in short, this well never happen until infection is viewed as a competitive gametype. No matter the setting nor map. not too put you down, but...
Looks like its coming together real nicely, now ever mix it up a bit by making the bases different and non symmetrical. both of them don't have...
Oh chit berk thank you! :) I thought this map was gona bump down far enough too where people wont even look on the page. Everything you said about...
Its cool too me because you alternated the map and added too it, instead of doing what nearly every one else does too an infection map (focusing...
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! Lllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll
I agree with the repawn part. With respect Joe, repawns spreed out around and inside the map gives infection a much more interesting and fun\fair...
Ghost merging or not, this map is well enough to be a fav of mine. Ill dl and play it when i get party's some time, but for now ill check it out...
Download After Burial* Now Why do I say download this download this? Well simply just my over confidence that i feel about this map. And that...
oh nice you posted. It is a fun map and is perfectly made as far as i played it. It is most fun being human than zombie cus you get an intence...
ye why not
Oh cool, whats up. I have been fine, and yes i remember :). I cant remember your gsmertag though. By the way, check out my new map I just posted...
ZM Play Ground by Foundationz v2 [IMG] ZM Play Ground is an infection based map(Like all the maps i post) that fits any size party. The more...
Not needed.
Oh cool you made an infection map! I like this tbh. The map acting as an open lay out plays a little more fair than a closed in close quarters...
Its about time dude. idk what was taking so long too post this. But ye this is fun and worth playing with a cool infection party. my memory is a...
ROADKILLS Bunk! Roadkills bunk is a large map for standard infection games. The only point too the game is the normal kill each other/most...