i use objects such as T walls, double blocks and teleporters as braces to keep things straight. your new so try reading forging 101 to learn...
lol i posted a map with the same centerpiece like 5 or 6 days ago. what a coincidence. but your map looks good. nice and clean. kind of reminds me...
thanx for your help
so i downloaded the template for the contest and something bothers me about the canvas he used. how come i can move an object from the crypt and...
if you send me a friend request with a message that say FH i will be more than happy to help. but without visuals i am at no help to you. like the...
no, i don't know how to use the tin cup like that. i put spawns corner to corner and just set the wood pieces in between the spawns. same with the...
the center is made out of T walls and thats a carbine on the high post and the other carbine is easier for red to get
Protector Description: Protector started out as me trying to make a gaurdian style map but has changed from my original idea throughout the corse...
1. cells 2. cell blocks 3. chow hall 4. the ever so popular shower room 5. rec yard 6. watch towers 7. wardens office 8. barracks 9. death row 10....
stairs, maybe?
place a block next to where you want to push it into. brace it with teleport receivers. put a block or wall how ever far you want to push it...
it looks fun for warm ups and such but i think that it belongs in the casual section instead of competitive. lack of cover would not make it...
i really like this and the video shows how well it really works. i will DL and let you know more after a hands on. if you do another one like...
if i have the pieces to make it symetrical i will but what i got i want on both sides with a way to jump across the middle bowl and some other...
i have got a brilliant start to a map. [IMG] i want to make a gaurdian type map with the "cup" being the center structure. add me to you...
please argue to each other through a PM or something, thats not what these threads are about. but the map seems bumpy in places which can be...
dude, post an overview. i have no idea what the hell your map is or what it is trying to do. it could be the best map in the world but without...
i don't know, this just seams like a clever way to double post all your maps. all these maps i have seen before in previous post. if changes were...
FUFHA: i knew it was a crane ;) but for the map, the map is pretty. it's got everything from an assembly room to a launch pad. i haven't played...
i played a 1v1 game with you on this map the other night. The tunnels and hallways in the middle are a little confusing at first but are great for...