Have it so the giant bender is stepping on a pyramid, or sadly, I'm gunna have to agree with the rest :/. Kinda awks.
Looks good given what tools we have. Perhaps a japanese "styled" rock garden/honden/torii gate? Those always looks super asian to me. Torii -...
Same. Actually I'd love to have you test my map Trinity, as I've gotten virtually no feedback whatsoever and am hesitant to design much else...
Spiffy! I'm most impressed by the curve you have there; I think I can speak for everyone in saying that trying for any angle beyond the most basic...
Eh, I'll try to find it, but I suppose it might be for the best. Gives me a chance to repolish everything. Or something :/
Regarding the weapons: you might want to mix around the spawn timers/spares on them. Everything cept the RL seems to have a 30 sec timer and 2...
Chalice Insight Premonition Anomaly Event Horizon Torsion/Torque More when I'm actually feeling creative >_>
So I've been working on a massive invasion map. It's been at least 15 hours so far, and I haven't even gotten to weapon placements :/ Anyway, I...
Gamertag: Jakisthe Times you can get on: every day cept M/W/F Mic yes/no?: yup Something describing yourself:very, VERY eager to practice game...
Took about....hmm...10 hours constructing and 5 editing? Like I said, my first map, but I spent a lot of time on spawns, weapon timing, attempts...
Brilliant structure and lines, and my favorite kind of creative elements: existing ones :P. I'll go give it a play right now, but one [very] quick...
They can be classified, just not as succinctly as you seem to be thinking. Are all weapons the exact same usefulness in any situation? Comeon....
You know, one of the hardest parts of designing a map is coming up with a balance of weapons and AAs; least, it is for me. So, what about making a...
This map was unbelievably, ridiculously, shockingly beautiful. It is one of the very few maps I've seen where the pieces used aren't simply trying...
Great to see a map which doesn't look like a paintball course; I loved how you kept up the aesthetic the whole way through. As for the gravity...
I added more pics, but hopefully I can get some kind of video up, as some of the layers are harder to discern without motion or actually being in...
Right, so, my very first map ever. Heck, knowing me, it's probably overdesigned to a near comical extent, as I tend to do with all my game design...
Thanks Crysis! Yes,I read all of those, (and most of the other stickies >_>), but...well...I've run into the first problem. I'm..uh...not entirely...
Hi! My name is Jakisthe, and please forgive the above ego, it's just that I've been using this name for over 12 years now on all manner of...