Not saying you are! It's just something which can happen as part of the learning process. Heck, I did it myself. Oh..wait. This isn't your first...
Easy to get an idea for =/=easy to make. I could come up with Invasion ideas all day long, but I'll be darned that I STILL can't get spawns to...
*fingers crossed that one day Beleaguered might end up on here*
Hmm...I'm going to guess english isn't you first language, so... Puedo ayudar de alguna manera? El mapa se ve interesante, pero la descripción es...
Hey, looks great! Course, that could just be my painfully obvious obsession with vertical map designs, but it does look great. And yah, for new...
Looks great! Unique idea to make your own island, and I <love> how you incorporated some of the more unconventional gametypes as a bonus., I think it might be because you're still forging with H3 ideals. No longer can a map which is merely functional be considered all that...
My god, that's smooth...although I can only silently cringe to myself when I see that RIDICULOUSLY expensive glass cover runway :P
Yep, happened to me several times. It is the absolute worst, but after the first one, I started saving quidlets of my maps.
Mmm, I love me some vertical maps. Looks great! I'll have to give it a look. I also like how you used the pillar, which is, imo, criminally under...
The fact that apparently NO ONE AT ALL has ever played my maps except me :/
Beautiful and put together by someone who REALLY knows how to forge, but some parts of it were infuriating. -The lateral jump after the first...
Doesnt look half bad (I think), and I always enjoy a good story tellin before a map, but...any larger pics and/or weapon listings? Always a help!
Well, after my other invasion map fell flat on it's face thanks to an incredibly annoying file deletion, time to up my efforts in something a...
Browse other maps, see what works, what you'd change, and put them together in your own style. Also, TC, this is unrelated, but you might want to...
Well, the spawns I have make absolutely no sense as they are :/ -When the game begins in 1 person mechanics testing, I ALWAYS start on a [ss 0,...
Shucks...gotta figure out a way to have spawns progressing in relation to surrounding teammates/enemies...hmmm...
Thanks for the quick responses! Seems...simple enough. Ish. Are the various spawn zones also mixable with the strong/weak/anti spawns of other...
What is the purpose of all these wacky invasion labels? Stuff like res_1/2/3 (fire teams, right?) are kiiiiiiiinda figureout-able, but what about...
I'd love to test this. Invite when able!