-Come up with name for a map (yep, thats my first step) -draw map to come up with rough estimate for shape -change drawing for flow/los -make map...
Take it back...to their own base? I'd think that'd be CTF, no?
Great map! Nice flow, nice sighting, AMAZING masonry, and good weapons. Am I missing something about the teleporters though? They...
Several of my maps have used all the money, every block/wall/incline, and over 100 spawns/objectives, but I've never hit the item limit. Had no...
Yeah, this map was mostly me getting a feel for forge and seeing the logical limits of working with verticality. My other maps are much...
Honestly, and this is going to sound weird, but I come up with a name first, then I try to draw a blueprint which I feel would work with the name,...
As much as I hate 100 views and 0 replies (so much >.<), this just seems.... redundant. That, and the hyperlink you posted only leads here :P
Title: Chiral Creator: Jakisthe Gametypes: All save race and invasion Download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details [IMG]
A map which I've been thinking about for a while...A smaller map with the most interesting sightlines I could get...one where the other weapons on...
I don't know of anyway to help with people standing right on top of the teleporter, but if they're camping behind it, maybe a SK zone there? That,...
I think that all those prongs/rounded bits are either going to be impossibly annoying to make, wind up in no interior space, or both :/ Such is...
Think so? Like I said, it was a very early map of mine, so I'n deff open to improvement ideas. And I would like more budget...but would the angled...
I think so, yeah. I [once again] managed to come up with a map which was way too small, so it probably doesn't matter on the exact positioning. I...
Looks interesting! I've actually never seen a map where you need to climb up a cliff, although yeah, it does look a little...difficult. Although...
So I...don't need individual respawn points? And IR=initial respawn (although I suppose they'd just be spawns >_>), and they didn't seem to be...
I'll help test! If I hadn't said that already >_> GT: Jakisthe
Why are spawns such an impossibility for me...sigh. Anyway: I have a map set up for every gametype, with plenty of spawn zones for each team...
When are submissions due by?
Hmmmm...might be able to do it by having the initial spawns for the zombies be set to spawn sequence 5, but tbh, that's just a shot in the dark....
Oh, sorry Shoe! I was more speaking in the future tense...it's still in testing >.<