1. cod4 2. halo 3 3. oblivion 4. infinite undescovery 5. guitar hero 3
its not the games fault, he already had a problem. if he never found halo, he wouldve found something else, and once him mom took that away he...
who did create god, if he does exsist? some would argue that he exsisted forever, in whichcase others can just argue that the planets exsisted...
im guessing that not many people will be getting recon because: 1st-you have to get lucky enough to be paired with the bungie staff(there wont be...
nice idea and use of objects, but you should try making a sort of ammo holder so you can fire off more shots. Perhaps even a switch with a custom...
nice job, man. great aesthetics, it really feels like im in the campaign when i playing this map. I just love blasting the doors down with the...
how about you actually download the map and gametype for yourself? dont go reviewing someones game until youve actually played it. on a lighter...
its been done before, but that doesnt meen that its a bad map. I for one love to play a good moshpit map with pure shotgun or sword; heck, even...
show some pics of yours and his, because i have no idea what you are talking about.
i couldnt make it to work today so i emailed everyone for a replacement but noone could work for me and now my boss is gonna be pissed off that i...
it combines a nice ratio of close to mid range combat, along with a smoothness that all maps should have. although i am not much of a person for...
insert sex joke here^ on another topic, great game flow and forging. 4/5
well it cant kill everyone, but there is an unfinished missile in missile construction zone. but if i do make v2, maybe ill try to figure...
lol, yes korea does have telporter tech. we should all be scared. to forging2perfecktion: -cant interlock anymore, hit object limit, sorry. -i...
Hello there, Guys. Download link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details My new map is called Chiha-Ri after a north korean missile testing...
on the adding extra items note: he cant he only has one item left. btw, is that my red dead body in the action shots? to Yoshiodo: its not...
we hi-capa dragon 5.1 325fps with .2g bb's http://www.airsoftgi.com/images/wedragon3.jpg and the lovely m14 electric sniper rifle 320fps with...
zomg i didnt realise till i saw your wallpaper, but u used to play spiritusro also. hows it goin? i'm twizzler or yavi, or trinity, or whatever...
i think that it is awesome that mac is finally seeing our side of the story. I think mac is amazing, but amazingly overpriced. the only thing...
I dont really understand how odst and the new maps will be introduced? are they both going to be together on one standalone disk or will i be...