MLG will use normal OS's. My Map Unleashed made MLG v6 testing with not just one, but 2 Red OS's. Another V6 test map made by Fritzster(Creator of...
Why maps may not "need" interlocking/geomerging, both of those two aspects of forge are a large part of creating a smooth map. When you have...
Wow, I thought you fell off the side of the earth. I hadn't seen you on in a long time and just figured you'd never post the map. Well here it is....
Please read through the links in my sig on MLG standards to improve your knowledge of MLG. Also, if one word could some up your map it would have...
I'm glad you liked it. And the mancannons can be done with just running off the end of the window panel and jump/throwing it in. You just gotta...
Baron for best forger. Another amazing map by you again. Can't wait to see your next project.
I'm glad so many people seam to like it, but with nearly 1200 downloads in 2 days, I still don't have any gameplay feedback in here(excluding...
Do you have a sketchup file of your map? If so, send me the DL link and I'll see what I can do.
I did contact him today. Showed him a link to the original thread on MLGpro over AIM and he said it looks interesting. We were supposed to meet up...
Well, the map is already widely known as Epicenter, just know this one as the MLG Epicenter. I will be doing an update on it soon and will re-name...
Well, i'm glad you like it.
EPICENTER Bomb has been a gametype of much debate in Halo 3. The gametype was acceptable in Halo 2, but without notifications that the bomb is...
Regardless of WHAT that site was, you guys sure have a sense of humor!
Hey urk, I was does Bungie decide what websites to "leak" there pictures/info to? I mean seriously, the translation from that...
Since the weapons/powerups thread got recognized and stickied, I fealt I could continue this write-up even farther and bring you an item list used...
You need to stop trolling peoples threads. This map was designed for 1v1 and small FFA's. Read people threads before you go posting nonsense...
Don't spam up my thread, if you like the map say why, if you don't, let me know what could be better. Post your spam somewhere else.
Glad to see this finally got stickied. I may do a write-up for items next. And to the above poster, you are correct, weapons can all be great...
Only moveable objects allowed are crates, dumpsters, and wire spools. While wire spools and crates need to be held down with either a weapon...
The grav lift takes practice. If you can't figure it out, find someone who knows the map and have them show you. The map has now been updated...