We humans are very bad and dumb people. Even a Monkey on Weed could make better decisions than us.
I cant believe your still friends with Tyrant... XD
Don't go trying to mod though. All these people had a dev kit or hybrid xbox. A dev kit is a xbox360 with special modding chips(costs $1000)...
Yes that is true. We had a mod rip apart Fg from the inside (he deleted 6000+Posts) He is hiding on FH but i won't give him away because...
Thank you. *Sniff Sniff*
System Latency issues Same thing causes all your maps to be saved as Blam! no matter what you name it.
This map doesn't have a back story, but is still fun to play. Download link Best for Team Swat, Shotty Snipes, and any TS variant. There are...
Hello my name is Conspiracy0. I was a moderator over at Forge Guide, but I got in a fight and left the site. So this shall be my new terrain...