looks like a fun map to play, but it looks a littls bit sloppy. i haven't tryed it yet, but i might. and also more pics are needed.
deserves being the best overall map ever, great job, 10/10. good symettry and everything.
Great interlocking and symetry in the level deserves getting featured.
excellent map, but it is maybe a little too easy to spawn kill, great job on everything else, clean and fun. 9/10
very good map for your first. fairly neet (not messy) Very good job.
This map is very fun, good job on the preciseness of the interlocking. 2 thumbs up, ROFL
oh, wait u already did, nvm ill read it all right now!
im very sorry, this is my first post, and When i first posted it i accidentally refreshed the page, that is why it was first posted without pics,...
you can see the pics if you click on the " Halo 3 screenshot viewer ". you can still see the pics, it just takes longer to view them because u...
Map Title: plethora o boxs This map can be used for many gametypes. The best gametypes I have found to work well with this map are slayer and free...