I've never seen an isolation map b4, nice job.
looks like nice interlocking and very neet, i might give it a DL.
interlock and it will be better
too many random floating objects, but very good pictures of your level in action.
good job with the day- night. 5/5 - creativity
u took on a hard challenge to create this and succeeded, 10/10 - effort. looks fun!
you have to type in a description. in the future maybe u should take screenshots of the level in custom games, in action (during a game), and u...
looks like high-quality forging, neat and everyhting. good idea, it gets kinda dizzy, though. 8/10 - gameplay. 10/10 - creativity.
they need a rectangular level that's almost a square, but stait walls. and tons more scenery like boxes, walls, signs, ect.
too bad i never played 007 goldeneye multiplayer much. oh well, it looks like a fun map, clean and everyhting. 8/10
looks like u put a ton of work into this, great job. but the tunnel look s a little tight around the turns. anyway it still looks great 10/10
its good, but the guy's smile isn't like it is in the movie.
looks OK, the pictures of the level are not very good. I advise changing the level the way the people above told u and making it a v2 (version 2)
looks like a great first map. i saw an area with a ton of power-weopons also called an armory. i hate armories, but it might work well into this...
great placement and location of everything on the map 10/10
looks like a great map, but u should make yur pictures bigger.
u said the lights were red, yellow, and green, they are actually blue, yellow, and red powerups, but wutev, i get the point.
looks like a great first map, no visible slopiness in the pics, i may try this one out.
looks like a extemely well thought out map that took a long time to make good job.
the defensive side picture looks sloppy, but also, i sometimes grenade jump in a MLG game, that may sound retarted to do that in a game, but if u...