Because it is a Map Preview. Not a map post. He is in no fashion obligated to have the map in his file-share.
Using a post to abuse the system. I'll bet he's definitely the first cop to ever do that... lol
I've had the write-up to feature this map ready to go for almost a month. And discussion on it was being had even before then :p We were waiting...
The number of nominations a map gets in the recommend a feature thread does not directly affect its chances of getting a feature. That being said,...
[IMG]Lotus Skillfully crafted by | unoverrated and WALDO the lemon Players | 4 - 8 Gametypes | Infinity Slayer and CTF They say you can't judge...
Definitely so. Especially since I'm trying to contribute my thoughts of the maps for judging when I'm apparently not even playing the right games....
Thanks TSB. I'll check it out.
Oh... Well that explains some stuff. I've been testing a lot of Forgotten Treasures maps with classic Slayer settings and like 80% of them the...
It doesn't. They just don't show. Any weapons that you want to appear on your map must be ordinance drops. Bit of a fail on 343i's part but the...
He won the CC
Mr. Tz, would you so kindly grant Chuck the "Why so serious?" CT, pl0x?
mmmhmmm. Probably a bad choice of pic on my part.
Sounds good. I still lol when I see your entry.
I accidentally in your sig thread and ♥ you.
Dude... Bionicles. I miss those damn things so much. First one definitely, IMO.
So seeing as you are clearly winning the CC, would you rather keep your current CT or accept the one awarded to the winner?
I saw a Pit remake that used dynamic lighting cleverly to create a red hued side (lit by sun) to represent red side and a blue hued side (shadowed...
I'm down whenever you guys are. I am excite n.n
[IMG] Nominations Welcome to a brand new edition of Forge Hub Favorites. Have you seen a map floating around on the boards lately and think it...
Submissions closed for judging. Happy New Year everyone!