With the map forums now open this thread is unnecessary. I would suggest posting your work in the Halo 4 Map forums. I will leave this stuck...
[IMG] Forgery Quite literally 'Forged' by | Zatherla With significant contribution from | Hushed Behemoth and A Lonely Schmeef Players | 4 - 8...
[IMG]Voting You nominated them. Now seal the deal and vote for them! Big Freeze Exia Memento Scythe Trapped Feel free to discuss and...
And the first official Halo 4 map post goes to... Not a bad map either. I'm assuming you read RST's qualms with the map from when we playtested...
We had a go at this during out TGIF session and I have to say that it was a blast. Hell, invisible zombies was even fun and balanced. The only...
Oh? Okay. I'll check out the other one. What are the main differences between them?
How was this not accurate? They highlighted everything that Bungie gave us in Forge 2.0 which was abruptly taken away in 343i's Forge 1.34. I...
Just the thumbnail for that vid says enough.
Welcome back to the team. The new drapes look much better, IMO.
Sweet! Of course proper credit would be given.
Also, the template contest coming back has been being discussed for some time. If it does come back, would you mind if we used your banner? It...
It's funny you did that. I created a very similar thing in the staff forums last night. However, this will be a good community outlet to see...
Precisely what Cluck and Pino said. On another affront, any dispute you have with an infraction you have been given should be taken up with the...
HE needs staff approval from staff (you). lol
Talk to Surchin. He's been trying to get an official FH MC server for like forever.
I feel like you would be the go-to guy for an official FH server
Welcome back dude. Good to see you again.
I hear that it be your b-day. therefore happay birfdah!
I have not. Lazy linx pl0x good sir?
Not a problem dude. I hope it goes well for you guys for the rest of the way.