All I can say is Wow. This map was clearly and thoroughly thought out. You did an amazing job creating a predator game (nice idea by the way)....
When I look at this map, all I can say is... OMFG WHERE THE SHIZ DID YOU GET THIS AMAZING IDEA FROM!! (pardon my french) I am 100% going to DL...
Epic map I like how you hid the teleporter that leads to the "secret" places, but you need at least 1 photo/video in you post. Great map though!...
Awesome map! I really like it. Just one thing, your download link begins with (httphttp) and it wont work. Please fix this. Thanks! Until next...
Only have a few things to say, so here it goes... 1. Welcome to the magical land of Forgehub 2. Whoever invented chocolate covered peanut butter...
This map is very well forged. Great Job! :D I just have on suggestion for you. If you have enough budget and pieces left, try making a covenant...
I...Love..this map. I knew I did when I first saw it. I also like the hammer room and the tunnels leading to it. Now, down to business. You...
First of all, I welcome you to forgehub. Now, onto the map. You did a great job at this remake. I too greatly enjoyed Ants on The Peanut in Halo...
This is an incomplete post. You need to embed at least 1 picture/video into your post. For a tutorial on how to do this, Click Here Anyway, your...
At last... It has finally been complete... And just in the nick of time before the release of Halo Reach... It is... Cliffside Combat Cliffside...
This map is incredible! Somehow it got to be one of my favourite maps to play. It is very well forged, all challenges are possible to complete...
(hump their chest and call them a nOOb) This Comment brightened my day. Thank you. (Lol XD) Now, onto the map. This map looks amazing! It is...
Looks pretty challenging. Wonder how I'm gonna finish this one... I give it a DL and check it out. Great map! ^^
First of all, let me say the map looks great and is forged very well. One thing I can say to help you improve on the gametype is leave head shots...
thanks jex
The Flaming ends now! Seriously people. In comments about maps, you are not supposed to start flame wars with people because of what they said....
The second I saw the first picture, I said to myself, "!" The smoothness of this map is incredible. By the way, where do you go to...
Thanks for the awesome comments everybody. It's nice when you here good stuff about things you made.
You didn't explain the map, but the pictures explained a bit. You also could have added a few more pictures showing in-game-action, deaths, etc....