It does sound very interested which is why i would like to see the OP fixed so i can check it out
You're pictures are not working for me. Just a photobucket message saying bandwith exceeded. Idk if it is just me but I would hate to see your...
Also maybe use columns as flooring in a certain section and tins cups elsewhere to breakup the bland sandbox scenery to make the map mor inviting...
And who knows maybe this can be Guardian's replacement on the pro circuit? Guardian is such a fun map to play. It's just a shame that it is so...
Well I got about 3 lines in and stopped caring. Not really the best way to promote your map IMO.
I personally like paladin. My middle will probably change anyway though. the map is in the beginning stages though. I've been looking at MLG maps...
Wow! Very impressive so far. I am just upset cause i was planning a map the had a middle area almost identical to yours. Although the rest of the...
Wow! Very impressive. I love the grated area. I would have never thought of doing that
Looks very inpressive. Like mentioned earlier i think opening up the side along the wall by making a path under the bridge to the sniper. Also...
Looks very well forged. Only question is what happens if you are in the spot of a block when it spawns to close off the hill. Does it just push...
I am sure Bungie has thought of things like this just tough to work into the game. And I'm sure the budget has something to do with making sure...
This gives a more pinkish color than purple. But it is the closest to purple you can get if you want it to appear as just one light. More...
Yes that is it. I loved the middle. I was playing with noobs though (on both my team and the other team) which kind of ruined the experience....
I agree. Just because construct uses a flamethrower does not mean your map should. It's just not a weapon that most people want on a competitive map
Today was the first time i played on Tribal Wars i didn't even know it was a FH map. I loved that map. But sadly I had a team full of noobs....
I agree. And putting OS at one base and camo at the other isn't very balanced anyway. That's probably why in MM OS is at both bases. Though I find...
While yes there were a lot of poorly maps maps, there were a handful of good maps. But i found that some of the maps that were forged well played...
Yes you definitely should ask permission before you take someone's map to make you own with. Saying that your map was inspired by his does not...
Looks very nice. I do like the color coded boxes. Will DL and give it a forgethrough next time i get on XBL. I also love that you built this in...
Also if you put a light inside the cup of an upsidedown tin cup it gives the "grassy" surface a cool look to it. This coloring is hard to notice...