Maybe an avatar or sig to show off your graphics skills? Apart from that the only things you really need are a good attitude and a dislike towards...
Bungie Pro video still isn't working for me, but I watched the Youtube version so it's all good. I love the way he appears to pick himself back up...
I seriously doubt that anyone on this site actually hates you. You'd have to have done something fairly spectacular to earn the unanimous hate of...
Haha sorry if I came across a bit harsh, I assume that owning Sushi is a private joke as he's not that good with a sniper (or so I gathered from...
*EDIT* Sorry bout previous comment, didn't realise Sushi was a well-known member around here, thought it was some local account. Ooopss Sorry GWS
WOW! The geo-merging on this map is flawless + the curved bank @ 1:30 is amazing. Normally I'm not too fond of these kind of maps, but this one...
What I love about America: The HUGE quantities of food. You can buy a peanut butter tub the size of your head for a cheaper price than what it...
The screaming and terrible audio quality got on my nerves, but I know that was part of the video's "humour". I did chuckle at the part at the end...
3rd September. Going into Lower Sixth (second last year of school). Got exam results this morning: 12 A*s for GCSE, 2 As for AS French +...
The Lion Rampant in anATOMICalBOMB's emblem was made for me! XD
Activate my VISR, see a pack of Grunts, run in the middle of them guns blazing, realise there are also Brutes, realise I'm an ODST not an...
I don't have a favourite, I love far too many of their songs. Leave Out All the Rest, Faint (brilliant before a rugby match XD), Hands Held High,...
That's the kind of their music that I like ;) Glad to find someone else with a good taste in music lol
Name: Tracking Grenade Description: Similar to the Incendiary Grenade (Firebomb) in appearance, but slightly larger and with a blue middle section...
Lol, compared to a "group" like CannibalCorpse I suppose LinkinPark's "screaming" must sound like the Queen's Christmas speech.
:O I must admit I don't like some of their songs where they scream a lot, but "Leave Out All the Rest", "Shadow of the Day", etc. are brilliant....
Grounds For Divorce - Elbow New Divide - Linkin Park Voglia Di Dance All Night - Eiffel 65 Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance Invincible -...
[IMG] What a sexy beast haha
Great movie. Watched it in RE (Religious Education) at school once we'd finished our exams. It was either that or discuss philosophy, so it was...
Pokemon Yellow on Gameboy Colour XD Loved that game