Yes, the whole map will be inside the mines. You will never see the outside on this map, just rock and wooden beams. Wow, you're on almost the...
You might want to fix that :lol: Anyway, I know that you've said this map is far from finished so it's understandable that it looks a bit bare...
[IMG] YouTube- The Mines Teaser Trailer YouTube- The Mines Drive Through Preview The Mines is a racetrack on Sandbox which I have been...
The screenshots themselves are actually pretty cool, however you need to embed them in your post. I think it also says somewhere to link people to...
This map looks great so far, can't wait to see how it develops! How close do you reckon you are to completing it? Personally, I prefer Railing 2...
Hey mate, follow this tutorial by X5 to get your pics working. Basically, just save the pictures from onto your computer, upload to...
I used just a normal OLN canvas (not budget glitched) and I very foolishly made my own respawn points, rather than use the ones on the OLN map,...
That's a really good idea, although the laser does have quite a large spread and would be able to reveal several Humans with one shot, it'd be...
Thanks for playing, it's really helpfull to hear from people who've actually played on it rather than "looks cool, 5/5 will DL"... As for the...
That idea had crossed my mind, place a teleporter sender across each ramp and a reciever underneath the central platform so that anyone not in a...
Yup, that is correct. This video shows someone falling to their death after being hit off the platform: YouTube - Fall To Your Death (I will be...
Action Shots Action Shots [spoiler]
[IMG] On [IMG] [IMG] Story [spoiler] Just in time for Halloween I've finally finished my latest map, "The Cave". What was originally...
haha cheers mate :happy:. God, it feels like years ago that I made that. I'm gonna need to do some other random project soon, haven't done much in...
This has happened to my friend quite a few times as well. I'll be lasering a wraith whilst he's shooting it with a warthog turret and sometimes he...
Whilst I do quite like the idea of mixing duck hunt with a "mega ramp", I feel that the spartan laser could be overpowering and potentially...
So in essence TrenchWars 1918 but for infection? Interesting concept... I'm not quite sure how it would work though. It would certainly make it...
Of course it is :lol:, that's what seems to appeal to the recent masses of new machinima watchers who probably only watch Digital Ph33r and have...
haha reminds me of "the foot thing" from "The Rock" :lol:
Unbeliveable. I mean beyond belief. I mean, I just don't believe it. My mind is just completely blown! (Hope someone catches the reference) 0:56...