Thanks all for the comments and DLs! 600+ Dls for the map and 800+ for the gametype! Shaddo, as one of Forgehub's best racetrack makers I really...
I thought that it would look better if there was something beneath you which killed you so that you wouldn't be able to see the main floor of...
Alright guys, it's finally out! The Mines Enjoy!
[IMG] Download The Mines Download CQC Battle Track Variant The Mines Teaser [spoiler] The Mines Drive Through Preview (old, will try to get...
I'm currently working on a totally enclosed racetrack in the skybubble: The Mines in case you're interested. It's not going to be the longest...
FML 50 mins after starting download: 24% Left it for 40 mins while I had dinner, only to come back and find out I'd somehow lost my internet...
Good things: - Choice of music, nice change from halo 3 soundtrack which everyone seems to use nowadays - Intro Sequence looked great IMO - Video...
Cheers man. It's pretty much a linear map in the sense that you have to do one challenge (i.e climb the waterfall) in order to obtain an item...
[IMG] Training Grounds is an upcoming oriental-themed jumping map with puzzle elements. Here come the pics... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Congrats on getting onto Newgrounds' front page, that's quite a big deal! Animation's quality, loving the 8-bit theme going on :P Song's pretty...
Easily solved... [IMG] jk. Those were probably the lines + directions she was given for the ad, not really her fault if she was told not to laugh.
I made two Jackal towers in the first map I ever submitted to Forgehub waaayy back when in March last year. You can see it best in pics 6 -8 on...
This. The bad acting and those ridiculous shoes don't even bother me, that's how hot she is.
Brilliant vid XD Has anyone seen the Midnight Beast parody of Tik Tok? YouTube- The Midnight Beast - Feat. ST£FAN - Tik Tok Ke$ha Parody
The only effect on this map is "Gloomy", but I did edit the picture in photoshop. You can see the original pic here. As you can see by the...
Sepolcro is an infection map I've been working on for a while now. Forged in the skybox, this multi-layered map will have you fighting for your...
Quality map mate, cheers for inviting me to try it out yesterday. I thought that Team Slayer + One Flag were wicked on it! Assault was pretty good...
Personally I thought it was a sweet emblem and knew straight off that it was a test tube, not a phallic symbol :lol: End of the day though, like...
If I were to describe the ending in one word it'd be "no". Seriously though, that sound effect is over used, irritating and IMO not funny...
Cheers for the comments guys, especially SargeantSarcasm, that's possibly the most constructive criticism I've ever got, even from people on...