Teach the players how to levitate. Stairs work very well. If it doesn't take time doing it probably isn't worth taking the the time to do it at all.
Re: Bomb the Pentagon! I vote to remove along with everybody else who loves freedom. If you don't love freedom, you're a terroist! Pretty sure...
There ought to be a Generalissimo rank.
You ... took the... words... right outta'... my... mouth...
Snowbound doesn't have a Machine Gun Turret. I think Standoff has them all. I know it has the missle pod.
Brigadier anyone?
Why aren't there communist squrriels? :squirrel_wtf:
Add me if you want some advice/help making any zombie map. Stolenpoo, were we gonna' make that sniping map on Rat's Nest this weekend? It's fine...
Hang 'em High was the best map other. Magic shotgun for the win! But since you didn't put that... Longest.
I usually name it without every thinking about grabbing attention. Just some creative name that kinda' has to do with the forged version. Lately...
Bah @ fusion coil idea. Have power weapons far from camping spots and in easy to see areas.
Ability to change the weather.
Indeed you could. You could also creatively implement the concret barriers for the other hallways. The more I think about it though the less it...
So now you're helpin' me? It's your idea. >.> If you wind up helping me we're going to have to make it all communist style though.
I always thought that the speaker thing popped up when you used the shout box. Guess not. :squirrel_eyebrow: Right now I have an ad asking me to...
Stolenpoo - If you want some help forging this idea hit me up. I'll be on all weekend. Edit: What would you use that you can see though but...
Interesting idea. It's definitely worth pursuing. Few notes of constructive criticism: The mid sections of the longer hallways (left and right...
Awesome idea for a map: You're on a ship and over the couse of the game (i.e. 10 minute game) the ship starts to sink. So as the game progresses...
It would be better with snow. Bungie ought to make more snow maps in upcoming DLC.
They ought to make it so you can change the weather in Forge. (snow 24/7)