I'm sure Linda and John were the two spartans who escaped to the pillar of autumn.
It's not honestly that hard. For One flag, there is a flag in the defenders base which the attackers need. For Neutral flag, there is a flag in...
Well said. However, I doubt that is where it is going. Remeber the legendary ending of Halo3? [spoiler]
Sorry, this is old news There was a map (or preview, I can't remeber) about this a while ago. I'll try and find the thread later.
Okay, I have a wild idea. Next to each map, will be three ratings, out of 5 The first will be the general opinion of people. The second will be...
I'm afraid you're wrong. Respawn zones increase the chance of spawning at a respawn point inside the zone. Weak respawn zones do the same, but...
Brilliant. Simply epic. You sir, are a true WinRAR. I've always loved starwars, and the remake is great! I loved the little drop down into the...
Is this a halo3 to reach conversion? EDIT: God i'm an idiot, im in the wrong forum...
Not a problem : )
I'm sure the rules are exactly the same, except they do not require download links.
The Arby's/chief's heads have been made in foundry, so why not?
If i'm not mistaken, respawn zones increase the chance of spawning in respawn markers placed inside the zone.
Holy crap this is epic. DLing. As soon as it's uploaded.
If your running out of space, go to your images on bungie.net, save them to your hard drive and upload them to photobucket or imageshack.
Your forgetting about jumping/jetpacks Assuming there are no jetpacks, you could make a bridge out of shield doors. Vehicles drive smoothly (I...
Images first, or you will have few offers to help.
This is a very good looking map. It has great architecture and designs, as well as decent long range cover. I wonder how it would play, could you...
I immediately thought of two fort, which made me instantly dislike this map. While TF2 is a great game, 2F is a very poor map. There's only two...
Might I say, that's one helluva epic castle.
Look at maps that Bungie has made (not neccesarily on forgeworld) and the featured map section here. Look for interesting architecture that could...