I would kill to interlock like that. Interlocking skill level: Me 2/5 You: 99/5 And the map is great too! Its alot of fun, and i love the bowl!
Its about time this got featured, i love this map. It is both ascetically and gameplay good.
The ascetics arn't the best, but this map is awsome! It sorta makes me lol. The restaurant was cool, and the basketball is pure genius! Lots of...
Rofl i made somthing like this before when i was bored. i took the griffball arena, then Made it CTF, you start at the enemys base, the flag is in...
they all look incredibly nice, but i love the first one! It is very competitive, and it is balanced on both!
Thankyou for the comments. The boxes were not randomly placed, i strategically placed them around the map. Every box is cover from 2/3 things,...
I think you sould interlock some of the objects, it will make the map look bet - Oh... Its a good map for no interlocking, then again i...
Garnet By V3SPH Garnet is a medium sized map with many corners. It is played around a large sanctuary with the "Garnet" (Overshield) In he...
This is true, i saw it on that show that no one watches. I think its called the News. Pretty Freaky o.0
I saw the first pic and i was like LOL NOOB!1!!!!1!one!!!11!1! THen i scrolled down, and it looks pretty good! 4/5, ill download it!
I think that great maps dont need to use interlocking, my friend makes awsome maps that have no advanced techniques in them. Alot of people on...
I agree with dead guinea. But i like this map, its not too long, and not too short. I personally don't like race maps made by the proest forgers...
Look at T-Spawn.
There is alot of interlocking in this map, more than i normally put in my maps.
de_dust2 Based on the Hit map from Counter Strike de_dust2 is a re-creation of the map "de_dust2" for the game "Counter strike." It was my...
Pretty small, but aseticly (totaly spellt that wrong) breathtaking! The map itself would be a 3/5, but just because of its looks, 5/5.
The pics arnt working. Please embed them. You have 24 hours.
I like how this guy has no clue whatto do, no offence. Im sure this is a great map, thats lots of fun!
THere actually is alot of Interlocking, you just dont notice it. I put it in the places that need to to make the map work properly.
This looks amazing, i love your 180 degree banked turns! 6/5!