I totally agree with every one of these statements... lol AND if you are so depressed with the new forge you can always go back to halo 3.
If you want to be a part of this either add me gt: fasteddie304 or devil95 gt: lil devil9597.
Thanks for the feedback i will be making a v2 of this eventually and i really appreciate any feedback i can get.
you might want to change your gt for this site to what your xbl gt really is so people can add you.
it doesnt even need to be the red side of the one way door. If a player falls through the door from the blue side it slows them down.
You know i was thinking the same thing about the way forge evolved. I am sure that after a couple of months not only will bungie release the new...
For houses you could let players build their own but they have to complete missions and get the privilege to spend more of the forge budget on...
With the ideas you have now you could easily create dungeons of sorts that are comprised of puzzles or have contests in mini games between...
yeah i tested it after i made this post sorry for the misinformation.
can you make race variants without a main vehicle? Or do a no return to vehicle timer and make each race check point in the different rooms?
you can make the rocks fall if i am not mistaken... set them in the air in fixed or phased physics then let go of it. Then click X over it and...
Mount Titan You look arrive at the mountain realizing that you are not the only one who wants to climb the mountain today. In anger you pick up...
Did you even read the post... no one was raging at all... On the other had this trick is quite epic for booting at the end of the game... or for...
You know even though I have seen each of these maps at least 5 times I still enjoy looking at your posts. Lets see how many more fanboys this...
Wow i saw v1 and thought it was awesome... then you linked to v2 which blows it out of the water! I think a storage warehouse would fit perfectly...
i must get in on this! lol I will send you a message or something GT: fasteddie304
make a capture plate and set its label to assault_goal or whichever option is close to that
tbh teleporters aren't really that essential i think its a cool concept and a nice looking map.
GT fasteddie304 i am up for testing this out
GT: fasteddie304