I laughed at the part where there was a talking burning bush.
come on this belongs in gaming discussion
hha thanks furious I think it is pretty cool to.
Don't make fun of the rediculousness of scientology unless you want me to make fun of the rediculousness of every other religion.
hello twinbird
please don't post the same topic on multiple forums, it isn't needed *locked
the hornet picture is tight, the rest are just bad.
Don't post in locked topics rusty, unless you have too
thx glad you enjoy the site, happy forging
hi cow chops my name is trickmyster
hey how you doin?
Yea everyone is freaking out but if I saw that car on the street I would never think OMG WARTHOG!!! Maybe I don't play video games enough.
My name is Taylor I am kinda cool I guess I just wanted to introduce myself to the community, I have a pic of myself as my avatar (only for...
Thanks cubs and justice good to see you enjoyed it so well.
Updated another one left created by Trickmyster in the description, what a dumb dumb
I know first hand and I am pro choice 100 percent, can't imagine what I would be like today if she wasn't aswell.
I must be the only one that just doesn't see it.
My background is just some picture of a girl from maxim, my friend put on there and I liked it so I left it.
No they told me that you would say that and that they only told you that so you wouldn't get jealous :P
Bungie told me I was there favorite person in the whole halo universe.