This is my new updated version of my previous picture. I have taken the ideas I could use to improve my picture that users have suggested. I have...
Well I am glad you are honest with me. I was going to take it, or remake it in gimp because I have just downloaded it. But, because I am new to...
This is a logo I have made in Microsoft paint. I did not have any program to edit it (like gimp) to my liking. This is as good as it will get with...
Gamertag:Connor142 [spoiler]
Well it is hard to get the brute shot in the picture because it explodes almost instantly after being fired. And the barrier on the map makes it...
For number 5, I would veto if I do not think I would do well on that map, even if the battle rifle was my starting weapon. Most likely I can pick...
I am not sure I understand what you are saying, please try to explain yourself. I did not think people would like down below as much as cruel...
These are the two pictures I have entered for the photographers Inc. contest. For cruel world I wanted to have a eerie feeling to the picture so I...
Happy Birthday
I would like to know what this person was thinking at the time he posted the maps. I am sure that he knew the maps did not belong to him but he...
[quoteAceOfSpades]Nice job on being original. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before.4543534/5 ---------- What were you thinking... Use a military green background with military lettering spelling U.N.S.C and...
askar, congrats... I guess. I am going to give you a pic and I want you to make a sig out of it.
K wealz Iz doant wantz thesz barakzo obama toz no k guy lol
>:O (:o Angry O face
k well I had said it was done but the halo:ce is now done. Btw you know a good place to get a half life 2 symbol avatar?
Well does that mean its good news?
Hay you are unbanned. What happened, I thought you still had like three days left?
Well thank you. I made the plasma spawn in asymmetrical game modes, and the plasma rifle spawn in symmetrical games. So there is a lack in weapon...
Thanks. I always go back to a picture after I have made it to see if I can get a better result. I did try a combination of effects but nothing...