damn... now i feel like I copied you with my map... I made a map about 2-3 days ago(happened to be after this map came out...) that is the same...
I have, and personaly, I think it's one of the worst forged maps ever. The vehicles are unbalanced and the map is bumpy and sucks. So, I would...
This looks too small... The original monster trucks on Rat's Nest you could play it with 16 people and still have a vehicle each. I know that...
Wow looks very nice! Definatly gonna DL this and play it. I just finished a puzzle map yesterday that I didn't get to upload yet and it also...
cool! Just send ms a message on XBL. GT: zackj191
my GT is zackj191. I helped test your Test Your Mind 14.
hopefully yes. for christmas i am hoping to get CoD WaW for research. Do you want to help if I do?
I made a quick map that demonstrates the door switch I am thinking of, maybe i'll put it in my fileshare but don't count on it. So send me a...
Then you should try and make the map smaller. I have a map for predator that I made that is like a mazeish thing and is all enclosed. There are...
Sorry I don't know how to embed videos or I would tell you... To the map, hmm- predator... All the predator maps I ever see are open, and...
Pics don't give away the puzzle unless the puzzle is a instant thing to figure out and its way easy. You need to link to the map AND the gametype.
Okay! I have now thought or a great idea for window blocks!! First, next to every "window" is a open double box that is used as a wall. Inside...
Can you please add more pics to show which room goes in which order so people know if they are doing something correct or doing it wrong. So far...
got mine from when I played neopets in 4th grade like 7 years ago, and had it since 7th grade... so yea..
Looks good, I like your Warthog spawns. Although there really isn't any new concepts in this map it still looks okay. I might DL and try it the...
If you can find out how to replicate this this may be a HUGE forge advantage! Think of HUGE floating bases on Sand Trap or a unmovvable bridge on...
But how? Does the zombie cage extend to the bottom of the place like last time? Or does the ball somehow get shot up and block it then? Please...
Very nice! Much neater than the last version also with a gameplay twist it seems, the zombie. I like how you let the zombie do something and not...
well it was pretty funny when i read it and it's almost true
The gameplay is the main feature on a map but the aesthetics is what makes a map any good. If your map looks like a twelve year old decided he...