yay for bieng a normal member and never being DEmoted from a mod!
Congrats on the Premium!
you don't buy loyal. you donate 20 dollars to the site and get supporter, which is different then loyal. bye
actually no. he came back and was helpful and all but then left because he saw the staff were no different than they are now and was over crowded...
first off the first paragraph last part is so funny with the way you said that, it actually make me laugh because it was funny. also, if I was...
first off, i have almost never played with you and never talk to you so why would you bring me up for dicussion? Seems like your making up...
i sould try it sometime but I don't have any staff as personal friends to get me staff for no apparent reason when I only deserve permium or...
i didn't even enter my map becuase there is no point if it will be shot down instantly by the thousand of staff maps.
but staff had a influence over it. it's all about who you are. If i made a awsome map no one could give a damn but if it was made by...
Wow! this looks great! It's not often for me to see a maop featured that I hadn't even noticed. But I haven't seen this map yet, and thats odd....
This looks good! I would reccomend you make a V2 with interlcoked walla so people don't get all pissy about "OOH MOAR INTERLOCKZ NOA!!" But...
Omg! I love that arc in the first picture and in the ghost picture. That looks sexy. The random stairs coming out of the ground at that one...
Oh wow! THis looks good. At first I thought "eeww... some gay 10 year old map" but then I serious'd. No, but really. Very nice! Gonna DL and...
Lankyspazgina is not the firts map with this concept guys... Albatross Hill was first. Next I know of was Crate Hill Then Lankyspazgina Now this...
Thats because you joined september 08. Infection was the best thing on FH in early days. Now it's all just stupid slayer maps. ANYWAY, this...
Mine is WAYYYYY BETTAAA. Well maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter to me, they are both good. This one looks nice and I like how you make the...
wow, thats kinda wierd.
For real? Or are you joking?
I remember this when the spawn thing was on the ground and all wierd like... But now its good! I never really liked this because the teams were...
VERY good work. Most people's first post suck fat turds, but this, omfg! Way to go. The geo-merging in this map is amazing to say, ecspecially...