That just happened
i do but so what
I have played it! I still think Pacman is a better name! WACCA WACCA WACCA WACCA
Long name is Loooong
k i c wut u did thar
So you're going to ignore the part about things going away extremely quickly and just focus on the part that makes me look like an asshat or did...
So you're saying don't say it in a map thread, say it somewhere else. Were else should I say it? General Chat? Yea, right. It will die even...
Just because you don't want to listen to the truth! After it goes off the new 5 maps list people don't look at it! Listen to yourself man! You...
I said nothing about it not being good enough to stay on the top page. I said that it will be forgotten and will go inactive after 5 hours. The...
I did not degrade what he did... if you did read my posts you will see that I said what I like, then I stated what should be changed, then I said...
But it's the truth. I may be wrong however. Maybe he did spend a long time on that map. But I forge fast so judging by how fast I would have...
Can't mods see edits? oh well here it is and my arguement with...
I was having an argument with a person named Canadian360. I have nothing against the map poster. I thought the map was good, but it needed work....
I see your on my page. I get in alot of arguments, but I intend them for fun, some people take them too far. I got 4 infraction points that day.
Why did you make up a quote for me? Wtf, do you want me to do the same for you? Yea how do you like it dude. Annoying /fh/ newfag is annoying.
I kinda like how the middle is raised up. I think that how you have the weapons so it seems that one side has different isn't a good idea however....
HOLY ****S! This map is a water nozzle! GOD STYLE! YOU ARE SO COOL GREAT JOB LAWL ROFL 10/5 SO COOL! Jk. Good job though, I think it's...
this is a terrible april fools joke. At least do something that people won't notice is a April Fools joke right away... Also, the -s in the...
PICS LOL! No, seriously though, you need picture or else some mod will come and delete your thread.