Hey everybody, I'm gonna be testing this pretty soon so if you want to test it just get online and message me. My gamertag is Conkerkid11, and I'm...
I'm not selfish, by the way at the first sight of your thread's images I thought this was Photoshopped by Multi... But I guess you're a...
Just in case you missed any of the live interviews... Halo: Reach has been confirmed to have the Firefight mode from Halo: ODST Halo: Reach's...
Firefight as recently been confirmed by Bungie on G4TV's live stream of E3. Another couple cool things we have learned from watching gameplay of...
Bungie recently just notified us that it's only this single mission... Hooray!
You can now heal your teammates, call in airstrikes, and pop a bubble shield with an armor ability. Hooray for Firefight in matchmaking!