Also, I've only played the current version of Dyad, and the first version that was first posted in the Testers Guild. Sorry for not saying that...
Oh, I really just meant the arch made of Large Wedges that blocks where Dyad was once previously escapable, sorry I didn't clarify. Whenever two...
Alright, getting on... Hopefully my internet connection won't disagree with me.
If Felipe Dos' Eight Emerald Legs is the Godfather of all Blackout maps, then Sentinel is the Godfather of all Sandbox maps to come. Vyctoriouz...
Bungie Weekly Update Hooray for walls of text!
Maps don't get featured just because they have amazing aesthetics or one of the best sniper towers you have ever seen. Maps get featured for...
Well my plan over the summer is to get a job, and make the money through tough work and labor. Just kidding, I'm planning on begging my Grandma...
This looks like an excellent 2v2 map Ace and Vyctoriouz! I hope it plays well enough for the Xforgery 2v2 contest! The second I looked at the...
Conker's Plans Upon Purchasing Halo: Reach Upon waking up at approximately 6:00am on the 14th of September I will take a shower, put some clothes...
Hey Linubidix! How's the weather outside?
K, happy?
Grey's a color too...
Stupid thread is stupid. The map description calls Sandtrap a barren wasteland because that's exactly what it is. There is nothing behind it. If...
Shipment Map Review Reviewed by a non-Review Hub member Enjoyment Upon loading up the day the Foreign Treasures contest...
Congrats on Premium!
Campgrounds isn't a small map, what are you talking about Mick? Lol... Anyways, I don't know what I was talking about then, but this is now, so...
This looks like an amazing jumping map based off of the video provided by Ruffles. That's amazing video editing by the way, Xang, if you're not...
What about mai pronstar english teacher?