I would recommend Tinypic.com as its fast and easy
Damn nice map, i love how accurate all your building is and how you used alot of space. I am playeing you map now with some friends, ill comment...
[IMG] Download Gametype Download Map
They always do
This map was posted more then a year ago? Thats the slowest most in depth review ever.
just send me a link, i tryed to DL from my link but it kept saying pending, downloading, pending. i waited like 10 min
The map link was broken when i tried, and i tried about 3 times over the hour So here is the link, i went to your file sets to get it. Bungie.net...
Hay i don't care about what they say, this is a good map. i thought that it looked great along with it being so playable! But if you want someone...
I feel that Tiny.com has better uploading. It dosent purge pics and on sign up is required. Uploading is on its home page
Yo, you dont announce your going to make a map here. if people did, well then. lets rename this place Spam-topia. But hay thats whats sigs are...
O.o Can i use you to make a map post for some of my unpublished maps? Oh and something thats related to your map,, it looks smaller compared to...
Hay i just downloaded it, ill give you some feedback when i play
Put in a map name, description of the map. and a few pictures. 5+ would be nice. Put a AL Link to the map and its gametype and your in! For...
Pegasi, Ha Thanks for Uploading the new Link 4 me :D thesilencebroken, Want to hang out? Go to some abandoned building. Play hide and seek. I...
Spam, don't do it again. Also that was mean. ---------------------------------------- Next, Why are the pictures different of the map from the...
:D ima so happy!!@!@!@ I did't need credit :D!@!@ <3
:D ima so happy!!@!@!@
Lol i helped
The1ToFear, Yeah, lol. about dat... it kinda was easier to balance this way then well, with real swords. Real Sword Hit Slower then "halo 2" ones....