Hey forgers, I don't mean to be condescending when I'm posting this. It's just some things that I have found to be useful when making a map. I...
Awesome All the Way! You get the High-Five of the Day. This is awesome, but it's just a little under the scale. If you did individual maps of each...
I still dont understand how people set these up. Nice pic though.
Haha. Awesome sig. I hate steam, but I love Gmod.
Ha, you keeping tabs on me? You should really chill out. Not every comment on your map is going to be the expected, "This map is awesome!! 5/5!"
What? Impossible. I would never steal a map. This was created originally by me, on the 6th of October.
I am very frustrated by the fact that only about 1/3 of the people that post have actually downloaded the map that they are talking about. And...
The fences aren't necessary, it was a last minute touch, to give it a look. If you wan't, I could try to interlock it, but how do you think I...
Map Link Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is a template map that I'm releasing for anyone to be used. If you have any...
I dont understand, theres nothing that needs interlocking. You want me to add unnecessary S*** just to interlock it? Don't judge a map based off...
This idea is kind of overused. Doesn't really have a long lasting replay value. It could be used as a default duel arena, but nothing more.
Honestly, It seems too linear to me. If you grab the flag, there is no opposition on the way back. I'll have to play it to understand the...
Playing the map and looking at the map are too different things. Its built open to give it a bigger look. It plays perfect, I've tested it thoroughly.
Ground Level These Metropolitan streets were fortified in a hurry during the attack. Map Varient Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details...
Did you fix the camping?
Great stuff man, you make it better with each version, but I have no idea why you keep editing it. I'll have to check out the new improved end...
Wow, very cool. You get the high-five of the day.
Alot of people don't even look at simple maps, but it shouldn't be about that- its the gameplay that counts. I'll check it out. Honestly though,...
The statement wasn't directed towards you. There are like 60 comments with =) pasted all over them. Conversations with =)'s are a lame way of...
Hahaha. You're so defensive, but you're not even with that girl lol.