I can tell your a little rushed, which makes your explanation a little hard to follow. My guess is that you have missed the Respawn Zones, I can't...
It was pretty good when I got to try it out yesterday. I don't know how long our game was, or how long the round was set for, but I would suggest...
For whatever reason your description made me think of hungry hungry hippos, and i suspect you might've been going for that. Anyways this looks...
Earlier today I grabbed a sniper on asylum at the start, and had a team mate chasing me, trying to punch me and then finally shooting me. Once he...
I flew through this on forge earlier, and it was quiet interesting, and seems like it would be pretty good to get a game in on. I like your...
When i saw the thumbnail of this i just had to check it out. I think you did a nice job recreating the world here on forge, to be honest its not...
I got to play on this last weekend, a couple games and it was indeed fun. My favorite was our ctf game, it requires coordination and team work...
I've been able to test this a couple of times now, and I think my most recent 2 games on it were the current version. I have enjoyed the map, and...
in the middle of a firefight, i will yoink a kill to get a team mate back shooting at other opponents, especially if i already had the guy low....
Thank you very much, I was close to it, I think the reason it didn't work for me was I didn't have it high enough up. I was only raising it .1 or...
I have been wanting to implement drop spawns into my newest map, in the same fashion as used in MLG maps. I've been searching on how exactly to do...