Thats the guide to screenshots, and as far as angles,...
Thanks for the feedback everyone. ChronoTempest if you read this, sorry I couldn't get into a game with you yesterday when you invited me, you...
If you can't get it to work with respawn zones, could you instead cover up the first when the second is unblocked. Do that through out the line...
Thanks everyone for the comments. Hmm, the lack of cover at cannons hasn't come up in any tests or feedback yet, so that is something I will...
Apollo I have never done a preview thread before, but now just seemed to be an appropriate time for me to do my first. This is the very first map...
I'm glad to see that you've got this posted now so others can see and more easily play it. I've managed to be in a number of your tests sessions,...
Well first I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the comments, I'm glad to hear that some people are enjoying the map. @MrGreenWithAGun,...
I was also in the game that Nutduster mentioned, and I do agree with most of what he said about the map. It is a very good looking map, and I...
I of course always knew that the roof would be disliked by some, maybe liked by a few. I have tried a number of things before settling on the...
Novus This is my first released map Novus, although it is the second that I have built, the first Apollo is still being tested. Novus is a...
Allow me to help you out from: : Bungie Weekly Update: 05/06/2011 : 5/6/2011 4:26 PM PDT hint, its the last paragraph from the friday...
well from a quick look through of your map there are a few things i noticed. 1. you havn't deleted all the objects originally on tempest it...
The stadium, and both gametypes are indeed fun to play, and I think each offers a unique take on the arena. Ballchase becomes a little more...
Ya, i was one of the unfortunate blue guys there in the video. I was black screened the whole time, when you are blue you don't see anything....
I had played the map once before yesterday's play session, but at one point I found myself running at a "door" that when i got closer i realized...
Thanks Stevo, thats the fine details i was unaware of and solves my issue.
I had wondered the same thing, but i've only tested the map with Red vs. Blue and the Orange team coloring still shows up, just the purple does...
well i guess i'll have to change the object color over to purple(the color just seems slightly different with team coloring, ie better to me). Its...
This will be a kinda short and dumb question, with a short intro. When testing my map Novus with ctf, the other day i called out that there was a...
while the coliseum walls are not square, you may still use them for square structures. If i remember correctly they are 8units by 12u. so...