Video download link here I got 20 kills without dying in the above video, but when the connection reset, so did my spree, so after I got a...
Wait, the kill ball actually moves?! Definite download, this map was so awesome in Halo 2! Can't wait to try dodging that train.
Have you fixed it yet?
Yes, you can get credits in custom games and forge but it's significantly less than in matchmaking. It would take 25 years to reach the Inheritor...
This guide is simply astounding, definitely deserves to be a sticky. Awesome collections of Forge techniques! "It's all in the technique!" -...
In the spoiler containing your formulas, you use "Sin" and "Sign" when you obviously mean "Sin." You might want to change that. I am appalled by...
This happened to me once, but I couldn't retrieve it from recent maps because I was playing offline and the date wasn't set on my Xbox, lol.
To make a drop spawn in Halo: Reach, you could first set the weapon to fixed, and place it, say, half a unit above the surface you want it to...
No, I'm not. The needle rifle is not, as previously stated, heat seeking, and when I say 9 body shots that includes the supercombine explosion....
Actually, it's not. Why else would Bungie include a DMR and a needle rifle class in Slayer Pro? I've tested them, and what Bungie did is shown...
So, according to that link, I have to have those weapons and armor abilities with those respawn timers exactly? Why would they put a 10 second...
Where can I find said rules? After looking up a bit it seems just that a map would have to have no hiding spots or points of unfair advantage,...
What aspects does a map have to possess to be considered MLG?
Your download link is broken. Also, this map looks overly complicated.
If you want an RPG, you shouldn't have picked Halo: Reach...
You should already be able to do this...
Sorry, that's not possible. Once the spawn point for a rock has been set, the rock is immovable.
The top of the building in the first two pictures is not aesthetically pleasing with how the pieces are phased together, I would recommend...
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical are not the same as the team only and FFA only labels. Symmetric games are games where the objective for both teams...
It is against the rules to post a link to a fileshare. You must have an individual download link for each map.