If you think it's a bloodstain, then it's a bloodstain. Oh how kind of you.
Berganza [IMG] Rate/Download Feel free to leave feedback.
Yep. I would go with Rock Band (so you can export the songs) and Rock Band 2. The Rock Band series offers the best overall band-game experience,...
Your sister must be a fool then. It clearly states it's a spoof trailer: YouTube - Guitar Hero: THE BEATLES **SPOOF TRAILER** (HQ) Playing in a...
It's flattering to hear that I inspired you, but I have other things that I'm currently focusing on; so no new screenshots from me anytime soon,...
Congrats on winning Recon.
The damage has been done, I am disappointed. Nonetheless, I still stand by my shout-out towards this community (you guys did catch that...right?)...
You know you just really insulted me? Actually, the whole creation of this thread insults me. Congratulating Leeumm? Is that the original and main...
Oh my. People these days. It's ridiculous.
Haha I remember that. Thanks Spartan.
Don't want to sound like a jerk, but to my knowledge it was just a mere mention of him and his work. But yes, congrats on the mention, Leeumm!
Yeah, I suppose. I don't mind it.
The second one is, for lack of a better word, amazing.
It usually takes me a while to come out with new photos. I'm not as rapid as some of the other photographers. I tend to redo things over and over...
Indeed, great band.
The song Paper Thin Walls by Modest Mouse.
Fall Breaks and Back to Winter [IMG] Rate/Download Feel free to leave feedback.
Crypt Tube is extraordinary. I find it hard to believe that there's a color/colors that is better than that blue. I think it's near perfect. I'm...
Interesting, I never seen that toy before. Yeah, it's a great movie. Had a Rushmore Avy and Sig a while ago, too.
Once again people, the picture was not taken on Snowbound... Proof: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details