where can i find a canvas for that? or at least a tutorial
so ive seen a bunch of maps that have ramps or things like that which will make players able to move freely from the ground level to sky bubble...
i have a friend who has this map msg me on live and ill link the map to you
hello everyone ive played halo sinse it came out and had my fun on and off from playing it since the number of new people are growing every day...
the constellations in the back look strange to me, more like blobs of bright colors rather than galaxies far off give those a little more shape...
in the map variants- at the top whats the forge world forge world map?
last mission of halo 3: halo-first half- have a big structure like the building master chief and arbiter clime to meet with Sgt. major to activate...
what about movible odjects made into most walls of a building so that they disappear once hit by something plausible?
Gamertag: Angery Midgit Times you get on: not school hours, basically when ever mic: yes something decribing yourself: very picky on aspects of...
i was playing bad company the other day and realized how much fun it is to blow up buildings like real explosives do, and how one can shoot...
consider all that you gain from forge world to what you've lost in halo 3 a few teleporters, though important at times, is raped in regards to...
mostly only 2 dimension map, which is good in some respect, but reminds me of trench warfare other than the far sides i would suggest adding high...
i just hope that halo turns out to be a artreu call of duty version infinity ward has dominated in respect to there versions of that game, while...
is there a limit to how many credits you can earn or does it just take a long time to get enough to buy everything?
quality thread indeed not so much all WTFs but definitely my top 10 hates 10.) realizing the map i made actually was a horrible idea and a waste...
i got an idea but not sure how to fully work it out. teleporters do provide the fastest transport but need specific points. if you bock the...
people can still take the idea and make their own map from it so that they will have the "original creator" thing my input is to not tell your...