really good idea of incorporating mine sweeper with reach i cant wait to play with ma buds
the map looks good on the inside and outside i see alot of maps that make a ship but dont put an inside so i really like what you did here. 1...
not to be rude, but a ton of these have already been made and are all over the place from a looks stand point they also have you beat. since the...
looks like alot of fun 1 thing i can say is that the round stairs whould probly be made so that one doesnt have to jump all the way up and instead...
the main thing that i tried to succeed by making that tin cup island by the red base was to make the area not as open which would give the red...
this map reminds me alot of the halo 3 shark and jaws game map variant respectively. i really enjoyed that game and will have fun with this one as...
can i get a little feedback on how it plays not just looks thanks for the compliment
very cool idea and great made map im going to have lots of fun with this map
nice little stadium you have with quality detail. it seems quite big though for grifball and if your playing swords it would take forever to...
New edited version: : Halo Reach : File Details Changes made: island by red base is more natural, more smaller rock islands to make...
good map 1 thing i can say is that given only two small ways in which to move from base to bas means that all a team has to do it just camp the...
i really like the feeling i get playing on this map. its completely different from any other forgeworld map ive played on so far. the lighting is...
cant read the text but the maps looks pretty cool
i like how you made the best of the invasion game into the raid but it just doesnt seem like ulduar. as a suggestion if you have money left build...
looks great, but what makes me the happiest about this is the cones time for more cone deaths
i love the placement of the map it adds a very different feel to the map being closed in from 3 sides nice job
i agree with TheOlympicWolf the map definitely needs more cover i can understand that leaving some emptyness in the map gives room for driving...
this map reminds me of a lazor tag place near where i live brings back memories me and my friends who have played there will have alot of fun on...
the falcon needs to go if you want to make it authentic WWII perhaps put spawns on the landing tanks and give the attackers maybe a 2 second...
perhaps make a game type with only swords s that it would be more towards the feeling coming from the map, though with the size it might not work...