back when i was a little kid and up until about Vietnam, i thought the same way about the island. but then a friend of mine made a nice little...
ok so im making a fancy new invasion map based around a part in the book fall of reach, which is master chiefs side of the battle in 1 of my...
you say this and about camping but the middle area which i assume is the first picture is very open which will make that area a no mans land...
this is a pretty funny game and i think is original and great as you described theirs only 1 way to get points but what if you could take points...
personally i don't like seeing millions of grifball courts, but ascetically this map=win the cones however can interfere with original gameplay...
if the game is jousting i may add a suggestion to the gameplay put two people on the mongoose, give the back seat person a sword, drive at each...
i like the map and its fun to play on Yes i did play on it but to me its just another version of trash compacter but with a new angle and more...
i must say you have created an excellent system for returning the ball to the arena most people who make revball courses would just wait for the...
the map looks pretty solid, but here are a few things i can say: 1. the outside areas, many the wall the surrounds the entire map is very...
the name is fine in my opinion, the tall walls give a cathedral feel to the map in my perspective... i also have a map called cano, which i was...
i got a map as well that i've play tested several times but i always needed to make some sort of small change to it, but that is no more i would...
you need to put pictures if you want feedback
i like the layout of the map with 1 exception mobility having only a few ways to move from the top and bottom level give way to much potencial for...
looks cool. reminds me of i am legend mapc from halo 3 i think the map would have alot better flow if there was less emphasis on the house. maybe...
its about time you posted this duster!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one problem i have with this map is that unless you have a jet pack there 1 or two ways...
this map was fun to play on with you one thing that stuck out the most was having a human sniper and a covi sniper for each side= not fair...
hello class! today we will be learning about the wonderful invasion map i have so joyfully created called Cano. It takes place in forgeworld's...
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the natures corners dont flow well into the map, they seem as if you wanted something to go into those 2 corners so you put some rocks with a...
the map is extremely open and spaced out i dont know if you were trying to do this but it takes a good amount of time to get from a--->b