haha this game looks fun =]
this is probably my favorite map. this got featured fast.
why is it called forklift heaven cause in the pics i didnt even see one forklift?
wow this is a really good map. keep up the good work.
nice map. ill give it a 4/5. i just dont like that its soo open around the sword area.
ill definetly download ....when i have space
wow its really good im definetly gonna download it. i hope this gets featured
it's really good. i was thinking about forging a map with the same kind of layout but i dont have to now cause i can just download it.
i like it i just think you should take out some of the double boxes and put more moveable stuff
i"ll give it a 2/5
hey mista bob101 hows it going
i have a photobucket account and i tried to upload a signature with the links on photobucket and it didnt work. can some message me and help me
i'll download it to check it out. looks pretty good though
once you have the object merged with the map geometry can you merge it with immovible objects?
i love the waterfall
okay pretty good actually. i think you should smoothen it out with interlocking and add a little more cover in the center and i think the machine...
i dont know about this map. it seems too plain to me
ill give it a 9 out of 10. its geomerging and interlocking is perfect. but i feel like you should add a little bit more scenery because with out...
yeah this looks like a fun map to play on but if your making lkie a competitive map i dont think you should have as many wepons
i thought it was okay i think my favorite oart was the window panel thing that was creative