What are your top 5 favorite forged maps ( dont say one of your own maps). Mine would have to be: 1. Aperture 2. Reflex 3. Ribcage 4. Palet...
wow all i have to ssay is congrats cause this map deservess a feature. I saw the video and whoever was in the video was a good sniper=] . I havent...
It isnt in any order. The silence broken- for his awesome maps that you never get tired of. I also think that he has an amazing ability that in...
It looks really sloppy. especially the wall corners. It looks hard to manuver around too. I do see the resembalance to ascention though.
When i first saw this map i wasnt sure about it. I downloaded it anyway because it looked promising and it was worth it. Its fun and the merging...
Well matty this may b your last map but its definetly the best. I've played it so many times and its so fun. At firts i was a little ifffy on the...
I reccomend you merge the weapon holders in something so you cant see them, so it looks nicer. Also dont take pictures in forgemode because then...
This map seems a little open. i think you should have put 1 or 2 tall structures. Also you hsould have flipped over the bridges and boxes because...
Download link fixed.
Umm the vehicles are in a fencebox... they are scenery... you cant use them
Poison Ivy V2 Poison Ivy V2 is a symmetrical map. It supports up to 4-8 players. The more people there is the more fast paced it is. Team work is...
I am curently forging a new map and i was wondering how to geomerge walls. I tried it and it came out to be a disaster. What method do you use to...
Forging 101 is something you should really check out. another thing you may wanna check out is bl00d f1r3's fore school it has a lot of helpful tips.
Mine is probably when your geomerge goes just a little to far. like it goes off a tiny bit. Then you have to start all over.
I would suggest you get ideas from things in real life. Iff you see sopmethign in real life if you can forge it thats would be great....
Thanks for warning us =] i really dont lkie putting brute shos in my map anyway. besides what jerk just wastes his time trying to break a map...
First off you should flip over the bridges becauase it looks waayy better that way. I thought mlg was supposed to be big so you could use the...
I think you would need a lot of people to play this and i think it would be easy for the humans because its really open. How many zombies do you...
Can you break this map?
Okay first off the waterfall is really cool and the caves are cool too. You have a lot of weapons on this map and a lot of them are power weapons....